What Has Our Chapter Done For You?

           This year Butterfield Junior High School participated in the March of Dimes fundraiser.  We raised a total of $851.09 during our second period classes at school.   We set a goal of $500.00, and if our school met that goal, our principal would have to dress up in a crazy outfit for both of the schools lunches.  Well, needless to say, we met that goal.  Mr. Bauer, our principal, was forced to dress up in Sonic's hot dog outfit.  We also gave the class who raised the most money, and the class that raised the most money per student, an orange juice and donut party.  Want to know more about March of Dimes?  Just click the picture above.


         Tania Lira, Nichole Farkas, Selina Phan, Nancy Hernandez                                          Rachel, Mr.Bauer(hotdog outfit), Sierra Faust 

                                                 (from left to right)                                                                                                                (from left to right)

           On October 25, 2008, 28 FBLA students, our sponsor, a teacher, our counselor, and the principal, got out of bed on a Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., and met at Butterfield Junior High School for the annual Make A Difference Day.  The purpose of our project was to find a need in our community and try to meet that need.  After talking to our principal, we decided we had a need at our own school.  The principal informed us that the school needed some landscaping work done and painting.  Our school counselor had a brick laying project for us.  So, our goals were to do landscaping work, paint, and lay bricks.  Not only would this serve our student body of approximately 700 students, but also the community.  Our schoool is in a residential area with homes directly across the street.  The city's library is across the street on the South side.  So, our school is in a heavily traveled area.  Want to know more about Make A Difference Day? Just click the picture above.


Above are some students working outside on Make A Difference Day.

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